Crowns can be used to correct tooth color and alignment defects, as well as correct structural damage to individual teeth. This process is more invasive than getting veneers, but it provides more reliability when added bite-strength is required. Crowns come in 3 basic types: all-gold, all-porcelain, or a blend of the two. Gold is the most reliable and requires the least removal of tooth structure, but may not be the best cosmetic choice. For the best cosmetic choice, most people choose all-porcelain crowns. Sometimes an all-porcelain crown requires the removal of more tooth structure than the other type of crown, and it also has a higher risk factor for cracking. PBMs (porcelain bonded to metal crowns) provide a reliable cosmetic result while relying on the predictability of the metal for a tight seal. PBMs are currently the most common crown choice, but recent advances in all porcelain crowns are starting to change that.


8 Procera Crowns

One of the downsides to PBM crowns is that over time the metal can start to stain the surrounding tooth structure and show at the gumline. Additionally, it can be hard to mask the metal and get a truly natural color to the crown. For this individual, there were several PBM crowns on her top teeth that were breaking down. The color matching was not the greatest as the crowns were done at different times some of the crowns were showing the characteristic black line at the gumline. Rather than doing a couple at a time, the patient opted to have 8 crowns done at once. This allowed for the best control over the shape and color of the new crowns. And to really enhance the change the patient chose to use Procera all-porcelain crowns. Treatment was performed over three visits.ns are starting to change that.

Four Crowns While Preserving Individuality

One of the nice things about crowns is we have full control over their final shape. This individual did not like the look of her front teeth, as they were discolored, chipping, and heavily worn down. However, she did like space between her front teeth and wanted to maintain that. To correct her concerns, four Procera crowns were done on the top front four teeth. A new smile, with a hint of the old look, resulted in a very happy patient.