Porcelain Veneers Combined With Bonding
In some cases, we can combine porcelain veneers and resin bonding to help restore a smile. In the photos on the left, the patient’s front teeth were very chipped and worn, which resulted in a smile the patient was no longer happy with. Further complicating things, prior bridgework has done on the patient’s right side (by another dentist), resulting in the canine tooth extruding forward, and making the tooth look bigger than its neighbors. Porcelain veneers had been chosen to restore the size and beauty of the front teeth, which suffered from wear and tear (bonding would have trouble holding up to the biting forces). The patient’s left canine tooth was tilted in, but otherwise in great shape, so we opted for resin bonding on this tooth to build it out and complete the new look. The veneers added length and thickness to the front teeth to bring them in alignment with the bridge on her right side. The bonding on the canine brought it into alignment with the rest while being very conservative (no drilling of the tooth was performed). The result: a beautiful new smile, and a very happy patient.